Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sophia of The Bible by Aurora Terrenus

                      Sophia of the Bible
                   (The Spirit of Wisdom)
                      by Aurora Terrenus
      Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom in the
                  original Greek of the Bible
                      Interpreted and Compiled
                          by Aurora Terrenus

copyright 1980, 1988

              This book is dedicated to the
                  Spirit of Sophia in You.

Book I ~    Introduction to Sophia                                1
Book II ~  Search for Sophia                                      9
Book III ~ Blessings of Sophia                                  31
Book IV ~   Uniting Power of Sophia                          57

Passages taken from these Books of the Bible
Old Testament
Genesis                                      Psalms                                                                Exodus                                       Proverbs                                             Job                                            Ecclesiastes
Old Testament Apocrypha
(Book of Wisdom)                    (Book of the Church)
Wisdom of Solomon                   Ecclesiasticus
New Testament
St. Mark                                    I Thessalonians
St. John                                     Hebrews
I Corinthians                              James
Ephesians                                   I John
Philippians                                   Jude
Colossians                                   Revelation

      It seems as if in the holy books of every great religion or philosophy there is an expression of magnanimous Love for Wisdom.
In the eloquent poetic prose of The Holy Bible, from the first book of Genesis, to the last book of Revelation, including the Apocrypha (which actually means 'from the secret, hidden'), She appears.
From beginning to end, like the thread woven into a tapestry, She weaves in and out of Biblical history and yet is always there.  She is the thread that connects and holds together the magnificent tapestry of Love.  When the tapestry is turned and shown, She is Wisdom.
More dazzling in her brilliance than any constellation, She is the adoration of the wise. Never has one, who has seen Her, not fallen in love with Her beauty; for He who loved and loves Her foremost, is God, is Love.
Who is She, this eternal Queen of Heaven, this mirror of Love?  Can She be the embodiment of Wisdom, Sophia?  There are many great and scholarly interpretations of the Bible, in which She is Wisdom.  This is the first interpretation of the Bible by a poet and philosopher (lover of Wisdom) in which Wisdom is Sophia. (1980)
All the passages about Sophia are not included; study your Bible for others.  The passages that are included in this interpretation are included to complete the idea of Sophia, as the holy feminine spirit.  This symbol of perfection is the most precious spirit the world could now know, love and honor.

                      Book I   
           Introduction to Sophia
Proverbs 4:4-9
Treasure these words in your hearts:                  Sophia is above all things.                                            Seek Sophia and become wise.                                       Know Sophia and She will keep you safe.                      Love Sophia and She will comfort you.                   Embrace Sophia and She will make you great.         Sophia will give you the golden crown                             of beauty, grace, and glory.  
Proverbs 8:1-12  
Does not Sophia cry to us?                                          And when we have understanding,                                  do we not hear Her voice?                                        Sophia stands at the highest                                   pinnacle on the mountaintops.                                           All ways and paths to the divine                            illumination of Wisdom lead by Her                                to Her heights. 
Sophia weeps at the gates of the entrance to the city: "O children, to you I call.                                            That my voice might reach you                                     and the children of your children.                                You, who are unknowing, can know Sophia.                           You, who are fools, can become wise.
Hear me, because I speak of exalted things.             From my lips come words of the greatest glory.
My word is Truth.                                                          All of my words are of the spirit, pure and noble.          My words are self-evident to the wise.                         My words are true to those who find knowledge.
Welcome my teachings more than silver.              Welcome my knowledge more than gold.
Sophia is more precious than rubies;
And of all things in the world,                                         to be desired, there is nothing                                    more worthy than Sophia.
I, Sophia, am Wisdom."
Proverbs 8:14
"I am a counsel of true Wisdom.                                      I am Understanding.                                                         I have strength and power."
Proberbs 8:17-21
"I love those that love me.                                         Those that seek me shall find me.                            Riches and honor are my gifts;                                       yes, gifts that are unsurpassable.                                 My gifts, my fruits, are of more                                 value than lustrous silver or pure gold.
I lead the way to Truth,                                                 by the most discriminating intellect.                                I exalt those that love me and                                      fill them with my treasures."
Proverbs 8:22-26
"The Lord and I, Sophia,                                             were together, in the beginning, before time began.    We were together, before His works of old.                We are the everlasting, from the beginning,              before the earth ever was.
When there was nothing; no hills, no mountains,             no water, no earth; I, Sophia, was there."
Proverbs 8:27-35
"I, Sophia, was there                                                 when the heavens were prepared.                                   I, Sophia, was there                                                   when the compass to the depths was placed on the face of the earth.
I, Sophia, was there                                                      when the clouds were established.
I, Sophia, was there                                                   when the fountains of the deep were strengthened.                                                             I, Sophia, was there                                                    when the foundations of the earth, were appointed.
Then I was with Him, Co-Creator,                         separate and one with Him.                                                 I was daily His joy,                                               preceding and leading Him, always rejoicing.
On the earth,                                                                   I rejoice with the children of our children.
Come to me, my children, that I may bless your ways.        Know me and be wise.  I will bless those that hear me.
Whoever finds me, finds life and shall dwell forevermore with Love and Wisdom."

                            Book II
                    Search for Sophia

Ecclesiasticus 24:34
Truly, my heart and soul search for                         Sophia has not been for myself alone,                           but for all seekers of Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 1:16
Sophia is a divine spirit devoted                                     to the good of all living souls.
Ecclesiastes 2:12-22
I began my contemplation of Sophia by comparing Sophia, madness and folly.  I perceived that Sophia is more valuable and more beneficial than folly;  As light is more valuable and more beneficial than darkness.
The fool walks in darkness and obscurity.  The wise have eyes that see the light.
Yet I saw that both the wise and the fool are destined to the same death.
So I lamented and said to myself, I will also suffer the fate of the fool.  For what reason, have I to be wise?  What is the meaning of life?
Why should I spend my life searching for Sophia?  Even this search for Sophia, I said to myself, is vanity.
The wise are remembered no longer than the fool.  For as the passing days multiply, all are forgotten.  At last, I observed, the wise and the fool die the same death!
What good is Sophia then?  I found no answer; so I came to hate life.  Everything that was to be done here on earth, under the sun, was stress and strain, a burden and a drudgery to me.
Emptiness was all around me and it seemed, as if, I was chasing the wind.  I came to hate everything about my life here on earth, under the sun, since I would labor in vain and have to leave the wealth of my existence to my successors.
What sort of character will they have, those that will succeed me?  Who knows whether they will be wise, one with Sophia, or a fool?  Yet whatever they are, they will be the authority and heir of all the wealth of my labor in this world.
Why should they inherit all that another has acquired?  This is vanity and despair.
Ecclesiastes 2:22-25
What is the reward for us?  What is the reward for all of our labor, our seeking, our striving, our struggles to be wise and just, here under the sun?
All life long our mission on earth sems to be pain and anger; even at night, the mind knows no peace.  This too is absurd.
There is nothing better than to eat and drink and enjoy oneself in return for all one's labors.  Yet I realized that this comes as a gift from God.  For without God, who can enjoy their food, or who can be anxious?
James 4:14
Otherwise you do not know what will come tomorrow.  For what is your life, a bubble, that appears for awhile then disappears?
Ecclesiastes 2:26
God gives Sophia and knowledge and joy to those who please him.  While to others is given only the task of gathering and amassing worldly wealth that can only be handed over to someone else who pleases God.  This too is vanity and chasing the wind.
Ecclesiastes 8:1
Who is wise enough for all of this?  Who really knows the meaning of life, of anything?
Job 4:21
How much longer will men die, vanish forever, without even seeking Sophia?
Job 3:20-23
Why is light given to those who live in misery?  Why is life given to those who remain bitter in their souls?  They actually long for a death that does not come, and seek death, as if, it were a hidden treasure.
They rejoice and are exceedingly glad when they can find their graves.  Why is light given to those who are disappointed in God?
Ecclesiasticus 2:14
The heavy heart of bitterness befalls you who have given up the quest!  What will you do when your Lord calls you?
Job 3:24-26
Personally, I cannot eat without sighing; and groans pour out of me like floods.  The things that I have feared the most, have come upon me.  I know no peace, no safety, no rest, no quiet; only troubles.
Job 11:7
So, I asked:  "Can one by searching find God?"
Job 28:12
Where then can Sophia be found?
Job 28:14-20
The depth said, "Sophia is not in me."  The sea said, "Sophia is not in me."
Sophia cannot be bought with gold.  Sophia is worth more than silver.  Neither gold nor jewels can equal the value of Sophia:  the worth of Sophia is greater than these.  Tell me, then, I asked: "How and where will I find Sophia?"
Job 28-22-23
Death and destruction said that they had heard with their own ears, the fame of Sophia.  They said:  "Only God knows the way to Sophia and how to become wise."
Proverbs 1:7, 9-10, 15:33.  Psalms 111:10.  Job 28:28
And God said:  "Sophia?  The reverence and love of God is the beginning of Sophia."
Job 11:5-6
O, if only God would speak to you.  Open his lips and tell you, and show you the secrets of Sophia.  That her secrets are greater than anything that is.
Job 32:7-8
I said, Days should speak, and the multitude of acquired years should teach individuals about Sophia. 
There is a sacred feminine spirit in all individuals; the inspiration of the All-knowing makes them wise.
James 1:5-6
If any of you seek, desire, or lack Sophia, ask of God, that gives with open arms to all that ask, and Sophia shall be given to you, shall be known to you.
But ask with sincerity in Faith.
Hebrews 11:1
Now Faith is the promise of things hoped for, the proof of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:13
Many of God's friends and holy prophets have died in Faith.  Not having actually received the promises, not having seen the proof of them, but being assured of them, and this assurance convinced and persuaded them, embraced and loved them, and helped them accept that they were pilgrims on the earth.
Ecclesiasticus 51:9
Thus, I did send a prayer up from the earth.  And I begged to be saved from death.
Ecclesiasticus 51:13
Frankly, I asked specifically for Sophia in my prayers.
Ecclesiasticus 51:20
I set my heart on being endowed with Sophia.
Ecclesiasticus 51:22
With Sophia comes the advantage of being enhanced with understanding from the beginning.
Ecclesiasticus 51:27
See for yourself what small price I have paid, compared to the great wealth and noble peace, I have found.
Ecclesiasticus 24:1-2
Listen to the good words and blessings of Sophia, from her own mouth, as She speaks, worthy of praise and adoration among her people, in the presence of the Most High and in the gathering of the heavenly host:
Ecclesiasticus 24:3-4
"I am the Word which came from the mouth of the Most High.  Like a fine mist, I embrace and softly cover the whole earth.  The sanctum of my home was in heaven; my throne was in a culmination of clouds.  Alone I did circle the sky and pass through the depths of the abyss."
Ecclesiasticus 24:6
"The waves of the sea, the whole earth, and every people and nation were in my influence and power."
Ecclesiasticus 24:19
"Come and draw near to me, you who love me; and live on my wealth."
Ecclesiasticus 24:9
"Before the beginning of time, I was; and I shall remain forevermore."
Ecclesiasticus 24:32-33
"I will fulfill my prophecy of peace and bequeath it to all future generations.  Once again I will make peace shine brighter than the dawn, and not one will not see the light."
Ecclesiasticus 24:28-29
No man has ever completely known Sophia.  From the first man to the modern man, not one has been able to explain or solve her mystery completely.  For her thoughts are greater than the ocean and her intent is greater than any abyss.
James 3:13
Who is wise and enlightened and endowed with the knowledge of light among you?  Let them express with words of Wisdom their works with the serenity of Sophia.
James 3:17
Sophia is holy, is divine, is pure, is peaceable, is gentle.  Sophia is filled with compassion.  Happiness comes to you when Sophia is called by prayers with sincerity and love.
Ecclesiastes 9:1
I applied my mind to all this.  I understood that the wise are bound together in the love of God. 
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 8:16
With Sophia in my heart, I find peace.  There is no conflict with Sophia.  When Sophia shares my life with me, there is no pain.  With Sophia, I know only gladness and joy.
Job 4:6
Does your religion, your faith, your piety give you encouragement, comfort, confidence, guidance?  Does your way of life give you hope?
Ephesians 1:16.  Philippians 1:3.  Colossians 1:3.                 I Thessalonians 1:2
Every day I make mention of you in my prayers.  Because of your love, I give thanks for you, unceasingly, in my prayers.
Psalms 55:17
Evening, morning and at noon I pray, unceasingly, I pray.
Ephesians 4:3
Endeavouring to keep the oneness of the spirit in the circle of Love and Peace and Wisdom.
Jude 1:21
Keep yourselves always in the love of God.
Ephesians 5:9
You are the light.
Ephesians 6:23-24
Peace, Love, Wisdom, Faith, Grace and Immortality are yours.
Ephesians 2:17
Proclaim the good news!  Peace to you!

                         Book III
                   Blessings of Sophia
Ephesians 3:7
I was made a minister by God's gift of Sophia.   Bestowed, unmerited on me in the working of his power.
Proverbs 4:4
My children, let your hearts treasure these words:
Ephesians 2:22
You are being built into a spiritual dwelling for God.
Ephesians 5:18
Let the Holy Spirit fill you.
Ephesians 4:23
You will be made new in mind and spirit.
Ephesians 5:4
Be thanking God.
Ephesians 1:18
That your inward eyes may be illumined.
Colossians 2:2-3
That your hearts might be comforted and bound together with the promise of love and peace that comes with the riches that Sophia brings.
That your hearts might know and understand the secret of God; in whom all the treasure of Sophia abound.
Ecclesiasticus 6:22
Sophia is entitled to the divine right of her name, for She approaches the elect.
Proverbs 4:7
Sophia is the guiding spirit; therefore seek Sophia; and in all your seeking, you will become wise.
Ecclesiasticus 4:11-12
Sophia elevates her children to honor.  Sophia has the tender passion of a mother's love for those who seek her.
All those who love Sophia love life; to begin immediately to be her disciple is to be filled with happiness and joy.
Ecclesiasticus 4:13
All those who attain Sophia will rise to majestic fame; they will walk in the light with the blessings of the Lord.

Ecclesiasticus 4:14-15
All those who become her disciples serve the Holy One.  The Lord loves those who love Sophia.
Ecclesiasticus 4:16
To all those who have faith in Sophia; She will be their heritage and the inheritance of their children.
Ecclesiasticus 4:17-18
At first as She leads you on the way of transformation, through your doubts and fears; her complexity might baffle you, until you trust her with all of your heart.  Then She will approach you and fill you with happiness as She reveals her secrets to you.
Ecclesiasticus 4:19
But if you alter your course and deviate from her ways, She will abandon you in the next world.
Ecclesiasticus 6:18
My children, seek the holy order of Sophia while you are young, and She will remain with you until your hair is white.
Eclesiasticus 6:19
Cultivate her like the farmer cultivates the fields, and reap her generous harvest.  You will work a little while, but it will not be long before you are eating her fruits.
Ecclesiasticus 6:20
How arrogant She is to the ignorant.  The fool cannot endure her; like a heavy stone She encumbers him, and quickly, he pushes her away.
Proverbs 27:3
A stone is heavy, but the bitterness of a fool is heavier still.
Proverbs 13:9
The light of the wise shines forever.
Proverbs 16:32
More power has a person of Wisdom than one who rules a city.
Ecclesiasticus 6:27-28
Invite Sophia into your life now, and She will come to you.  Once you follow her, at no time, let her go.  In the end, you will find the peace She gives; Sophia will become a delight and joy to you.
Proverbs 24:13-14
My children, eat the honey, that is good; and as the honeycomb sweetens your lips, so shall the knowledge of Sophia sweeten your souls.
Once you have found Sophia, you will know Immortality and Eternal Peace.
Proverbs 16:16
Better the gain of Sophia than gold!
Ecclesiastes 7:12
For Sophia is an answer, and money is an answer; but the value of the knowledge of Sophia is Sophia gives eternal life to those that know her and love her.
Ecclesiastes 7:11
Sophia is generous with her blessings; and those that see the light of the sun inherit her abundance.
Proverbs 8:35
Sophia says:  "Whoever discovers me, discovers the essence of life, and shall receive all the blessings of the Lord."
Proverbs 16:7
If your ways please the Lord, he will make even your enemies to be at peace with you.
Ecclesiasticus 6:14-16
A faithful friend is a safe sanctuary; whoever finds one has found a unique treasure.  A faithful friend is priceless; their worth is beyond measure.
A faithful friend is an elixir of life, and all those with a reverence and love for God find such a friend.  They love others and themselves.
(The book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 5:12-14
As an arrow is shot at its destination, the parting of the air is not seen, and one does not know where the arrow has gone through. 
So is our life; we are barely born and before we know it, we cease to be.
Does our life show the path of peace or destruction?
The hope of the godless is like the leaf in the storm, like the flurry of smoke that the wind scatters, like the memory of a one-day guest, soon forgotten.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 5:15-20
But noble souls live forever; their reward and appreciation comes from the Most High.                                     
The Most High keeps them safe in his care.  They shall receive the royal crown of glory and beauty, a gift from the hand of the Lord himself.
He will keep them safe with his right hand, and protect them with his arm.  He will put his love on for armour, and make creation transform his enemies.
He will wear the armour of justice on his breast, and his helmet shall be his jugdment; holiness will be his shield, and all the world will unite with him and Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 6:1-3
Listen now, you who have the governing power of authority.  Be wise and take caution.  Hear these words.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 6:9
I speak to you that you might know Sophia, and not lead your people to destruction, but live in peace and prosperity with Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 5:21-23
There is a power greater than your authority that will strike like a bolt of lightning, upon those who do not honor Sophia.
If any of you who govern nations appreciate your positions, it is time now for you to honor Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:14
Sophia is an inexhaustible treasure to all.  Those who acknowlege and love her become God's friends, exalted to him through her teachings.
I John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets go out into the world.  Seek Sophia, so that you can discern the spirits.
St. John 1:23
In the words of the prophet Isaiah, I said:  I am a voice crying out in the wilderness, crying:
Ephesians 1:7
That God, the Father of glory, may give to you, the spirit of Sophia.
St. Mark 14:38
Truly, the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak.
I Corinthians 1:10
Now, brothers and sisters, I beseech you, by the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that you all agree, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in heart and mind.
I Corinthians 1:13
Is the symbol of Christ divided?
I Corinthians 2:7
But we speak the Wisdom of God in a mystery, even the secret of Sophia, which God has given to us for our glory.
I Corinthians 2:12
Now we are speaking of, not the spirit of this world, but the spirit which is of God.
I Corinthians 4:20
For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
I Corinthians 4:21
What is your desire?  That I come to you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of Sophia?
I Corinthians 2:1-3
My brothers and sisters, I come to you with love and the truth of God.  And I try to make sure that I do not think about anything, except Jesus Christ, crucified.
I Corinthians 2:8
If any of the princes of this world knew Sophia, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
I Corinthians 2:4
I stand before you weak, and trembling with fear, praying that you understand that the words, I speak to you, are not enticing words of worldly wisdom, but the words of Sophia of the Spirit of God.
I Corinthians 2:6-7
I speak words to move you.  Those that are wise understand the words, for they understand we are speaking not of the wisdom of this world, of some passing age.
We are speaking of Sophia, an inexhaustible spiritual power, impervious to time, that is, will be and has always been with God.
I Corinthians 2:9
It is written:  Eyes have not seen, nor have ears heard, nor have hearts imagined the wonders that God has prepared for those that love him.
I Corinthians 2:12
Now we are receiving the Spirit of God in Sophia.
I Corinthians 4:5
My judge is the Lord.
Exodus 3:14
And God said, "I am that I am."
Exodus 31:1-3
And the Lord said, "I have filled them with the Spirit of God, in Sophia."
Genesis 1:2
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 
Genesis 2:4
In the day that God made the earth, the heavens, and every plant of the field.
Proverbs 3:19
The Lord with Sophia by his side has founded the earth; and has established the heavens with this understanding.
Proverbs 3:17-18
All the paths of Sophia are Peace.  She is a tree of life to those that find her; and happy is everyone that loves her.
Proverbs 3:16
Long life is in her right hand; and in her left hand are riches and honor.

                           Book IV
                 Uniting Power of Sophia
Proverbs 8:12
"I am Sophia."
Proverbs 3:14-15
To the wise, Sophia is more treasured than any jewel; of all the things that can be desired on earth, there is nothing worth more than Sophia.
Proverbs 7:4
Call Sophia your sister.  Say to Sophia:  you are my sister.  My sister Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:6
For all of us, there is one solitary way into life ~ one solitary way out of life.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:7-8
For this reason I prayed and I was given understanding; I offered up prayers and the Spirit of Sophia came to me.  I love Sophia more than sceptre and throne; and I considered riches as nothing compared to her.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:10-14
I loved Sophia more than beauty or health.  I loved Sophia more than the light of day, because her light is radiance that never sleeps.
In her presence all good things came to me, for in her hands are infinite riches.  I loved all the gifts Sophia gave me, but at the time, I still did not know her as, the Mother of Life.
I share this with you, all of this newly acquired knowledge and understanding, so that you too can know that Sophia is an inexhaustible treasure for the world.  For all those who know and love Sophia will become God's friends.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:21
All of this, the secret and the obvious, I have learned because Sophia was my teacher; Sophia, the Mother of All.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 7:22-24
Sophia is a holy Spirit.  Sophia is unique, intelligent, light-giving, diverse, energy, pathos, feeling, guardian.
Sophia is comforter, kind, active, benevolent, beneficent, omnipotent, unchanging, ever-present.
Sophia is peace, all-loving, all-wise, all-knowing, entering and filling all intelligent, pure and beautiful spirits of light.
Sophia transforms.  Sophia is so pure that She flows, pervading and permeating all things.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:25-26
Sophia is the inspiration of the power of God, the true and pure out-pouring of his glory.  Nothing that is not pure can enter her.
Sophia is the idea of eternal light.  Sophia is the perfect reflection of God's image and power of goodness.
Proverbs 1:1-7
The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:
To know Sophia and her teachings; to know She speaks words of understanding.
To receive the holy order of Sophia, justice and equity; to give subtlety to the simple, to give knowledge and choice to the young.
The wise will hear, and will increase their learning; the wise will attain wise counsel.
To understand a proverb, and the interpretation.  To understand the words of the wise and their sayings.
The beginning, the first step to understanding Sophia is to love God.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:27-28
Complete in her oneness, united in her completeness, altogether, indivisible, Sophia can do any and all things.
Herself, unchanging, She can change all things; She makes all things new.
Sophia appears to the elect.  She lives in the holy souls of all ages and makes them wise:  God's friends and holy prophets.
Those that live with the peace of Love and Wisdom are blessed.  God loves those that live with Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:29
Her radiance is more dazzling than the noonday sun, and the magnificence of her light outshines all of the constellations.
Sophia is the light above all lights.  For the light of day surrenders to the darkness of night, but the light of Sophia is impenetrable and indisoluble.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 7:30
Sophia has the power to unite the world; to pervade and permeate all hearts with the inner light of love.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 8:1
I love Sophia.  I have searched for her all the days of my life.  I have longed and aspired to be one with her.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 8:2-3
I fell in love with her beauty.  There is not one who has seen her that has not fallen in love with her beauty, her radiance, her harmony.
Her nearness, her proximity to God, is in accord with the magnificance of her noble beginning:
Sophia is loved by the God of Love.  Sophia is loved by the God of All.  God loves Sophia.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 8:3-4
Truly, Sophia is co-eternal, co-existing with God. 
Sophia is the teacher that can resolve the mysteries of God's knowledge.  For God confers with Sophia on all he is to do.

(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 8:5-9
If life is to be an acquisition of wealth, who holds greater wealth than Sophia, who is co-creator of all things?
If life is to be a challenge of the intellect, who holds greater Wisdom than Sophia, herself, who is Wisdom?
If life is a love and quest for Truth, why, Truth is one of the gifts of Sophia.
Sophia teaches the way to self-knowledge.  Sophia is the inspiration of genius.  Sophia is harmony and peace.  Sophia is courage and strength in serenity. 
Of all the things needed in life, what is of more value than these?
If life is an adventure of great experience, Sophia knows the past.  Sophia can predict the future.  Sophia knows what has happened and what will be.
Sophia can interpret oracles and solve riddles and mysteries.  Sophia has foreknowledge of omens and signs.
Sophia has foresight of miracles and wonders, of beginnings and conclusions, of this age and all ages.
Thus, it was that I resolved; that I set my heart, on having Sophia come into my life; and live my life with me.
Knowing She would counsel me in prosperity and good times.  Knowing She would comfort me in grief and troubled times.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 8:13
By the grace of Sophia, I shall know Immortality, and shall leave the sustaining and unforgotten memory of Sophia to all those who follow me.
(The Book of Wisdom)  The Wisdom of Solomon 8:16
With Sophia in my heart, I shall know Love; for where Sophia reigns there is no bitterness.
With Sophia in my heart, I shall know Peace; for where Sophia reigns there is no conflict or pain.
With Sophia in my heart, I shall know Happiness; for where Sophia reigns there is only gladness and joy.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-17
Sophia is luminous light and never grows dim.  Sophia appears and is easily seen by those who love her.
Sophia is found by those who seek her.
Sophia is able to foresee those who desire her so She makes herself known to them.
Seek Sophia now and you will always overcome adversity; you will find her waiting for you.
Just thinking about her brings understanding.  Hope for Sophia and expect her to be with you.  Just think of her and pain and fear will automatically leave you.
Sophia wanders the earth looking for you, who are deserving of her.
In soft-hearted graciousness, She will appear to you as you go; coming to meet you in your every thought.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 8:17-18
In my inner thoughts and in the depths of my heart, I did understand and know that the loving existence with Sophia brings immortality; that pure peace comes with the friendship of her love; that inexhaustible riches come from working for her in the cultivation of her holy order of Wisdom.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 8:19-20
I searched the world over looking for Sophia, asking and wondering, how I could unite with her.  How I might become wise, and then I realized it was a paradox:
One must ask for Wisdom.  But one must have Wisdom to know for what to ask.
And it was an indication of the beginning of Wisdom to understand from where Sophia comes.
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 8:20
Seeing and understanding this, I did kneel and bow my head in sacred awe and with all my heart and soul, I prayed:
(The Book of Wisdom) The Wisdom of Solomon 9:1-4
God, of our fathers, give us Wisdom who sits by thy throne.
Send her down from the holy heavens that we might understand the true meaning of Love, and fulfill our dreams of Peace on Earth.
That the old order of death, mourning, crying and pain might end.
That we may always hold bright the promise of a new beginning.
Revelation 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride (Sophia) say, "Come!"  Let each who hear say, "Come!"  All who wish to accept the drink of immortality, Come!
Revelation 22:12
"Behold, I come now!"
Revelation 22:13
"I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
Revelation 21:1
Truly, I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and earth existed no more.
Revelation 21-2
I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, coming down from God.  Elaborate and beautiful, as a bride adorned for her husband.
Revelation 21:10
Here is Sophia!
Revelation 21:23
The new city has no need of the light of the sun nor the moon to shine in it; for the glory of God ~ Sophia ~ did lighten it!
Revelation 21:3
I heard a great voice out of heaven saying:
Revelation 21:3-5
"Behold, God and Sophia are with you.  You are the children of Light.  Every tear will be wiped from your eyes.
There shall be no more death; nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, for the holy order of Sophia is here.  Behold, all things are made new!  Behold, A New Beginning!"

This is one beginning of the divine validation of Sophia, the dawn of light that renews the living soul of mankind.  As a holy spirit that lives within, Sophia lovingly transforms energy making known the Spirit of Love.  Lovers of Wisdom know the union with Sophia to be the great calmness of mind and heart known as the philosopher's noble peace.
Glory gives the Light and the Light cannot be contained.  The Father of Love and the Children of Love hold reverent the Mother of the Light of Life and the world-wide Renaissance is Peace.
Peace begins in You.  It is a simple formula.  It is a divine task.
It is a divine task for you to be a torch-bearer; to ignite and keep aflame, even a tiny flicker of Hope that the world might attain Peace.
It is a divine task for you, for one heart to be free, frees all other hearts with a connecting link of Love.
It is a divine task for you to aspire to walk the path of the wise, to know Love, and to Love Wisdom.
It is a divine task for you to fulfill the prophecy of Peace on Earth.
It is a divine task that will be; for it is written:
The Second Paradise Will Come In You.

           Sophia of the Bible
Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom used in the original Greek of the Bible.  Out of nothingness, She appears, more radiant than the noonday sun.  The beauty of her presence engulfs us and lifts us to new spiritual heights.
Individually and collectively, we will soar with the Spirit of the Wisdom figure, Sophia.  Our hearts will be glad, as yes, we discover the Spirit lives within!
Sophia is all-pervading and all-encompassing; in darkness, She is Light; in chaos, She is Wisdom; in you, Sophia is a holy Spirit.

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