Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My Sister the Unicorn by Aurora Terrenus

                      My Sister The Unicorn
On the wings of the blue pelican, I want to fly away with you to the planet Anamorphon, where all things begin anew.
Where you will discover that which you are seeking is also seeking you.
You will find Peace and Love will set you free as soon as you enter the Charis Galaxy.

We come together, Children of Light, to the unsleeping radiance of the planet of no night.
No death, no mourning, no crying, no pain, no evil knows the way there.
It is the knowledge of indescribable goodness that all pure and innocent hearts share.
Sounds as if life on Anamorphon is quite different from the way life is on earth, wouldn't you agree?
But those on Anamorphon, in plain view we can see the day on earth this prophecy will come true:
All hearts will live and love in peace and when this is true, the pelican will turn blue!

Come fly away with me to the future and we will look back in time and see it all happen in our hearts and in our minds.
"Absurd" at first they said and then in amazement, they shouted, "It most certainly is true ~ the pelican is blue."
A momentous event, as before the earth had never seen, the radiant light of a miracle, they even noticed that I am green.

I am a green lion, a thinker and a poet, too, I might add and parts of the story I am going to tell are very very sad.
The opposite of sad is happy; that you know without a doubt ~ it's the secret of what makes you happy that this story is all about.
Now if we begin at the beginning, not necessarily in a visible, bodily gathering, but in a jubilous, magical atmosphere.
If we press our hands together in silence; say the the magic words and believe; a wonder of wonder will fill our hearts and the invisible will appear.
If I become you and you become me.  Magic words, 'philo-soffi'.  As you believe so let it be.

I believe, actually, I know eyes have seen and ears have heard and hearts have imagined the beauty of transformation with one word:  Love!
Love the gladness of joy and unity, without and within, is, will be and has always been the elixir of life, my treasured friends.
I love the idea of two co-eternal, co-equal principles coming together instantaneously.
Two powers like Love and Wisdom synthesizing and setting all hearts free!  It has happened in you.  It has happened in me.
I am at this moment of connection, the embodiment of Immortality.  Wholeness.  Radiance.  Harmony.

My first love, the love above all loves is the first time I saw Beauty!  I fell in love with her.
And at that magical moment, all things came together simultaneously.  I knew I was Free!
You and I know this feeling of Love that happens for the first time just like it did before and in our daily lives, we see it happen more and more.

And we begin expecting Miracles.  Miracles are physical manifestations of dreams that come true.
Wondrous, magical, magnificent dreams, like the one that brought you.  A starburst, a moonbeam, the whole golden sun, I got all three and only wished for one.

So remember this, my darling dears, when you wonder what dreams can do, for it is the fulfillment of a dream that I speak with you.
I thank the stars for you every nite, for like the stars in the darkness, you are light.
You and you and you and I do shine when that inner light of divine love connects your heart and mine.

Now I speak from my own experience, which is called numinous, because that is when a divine spirit encounters us.
I was ferocious, blood-sucking, the king of the jungle and great because greed and anger and jealousy made me hate.
Now there's a word with a lot of power.  Have you ever noticed how many hearts hate can devour?
Mine was one.  A wise philosopher, a green lion, I am today, but I have not always lived this way.

May I have another moment of your precious time to tell you one marvellous story, of the transforming power of the spirit of Love in all its glory?
For the record, this story did transpire to enlighten lives and enrich them and to inspire:
Crystal Lake glistens like a prism of crystals, dazzling and clear.  An awesome feeling pervades and permeates the glowing atmosphere.

Inscribed in stone, this haunting message:
                 One Unforgettalbe, Unbelievable,
              Most Beautiful Unicorn Spotted Here.
All creatures of the jungle did journey to this reverent hiding place not only to drink from the lake but to see face to face the most magnificent symbol of the spirit of solace and grace.
Not I.  A Lion.  It is not in my power to sit and wait. Remember, I am King of the Jungle, ferocious, brutal, cruel and Great!

All the little delicate creatures that arrive at Crystal Lake, I eat whole, devour.  I suck their blood and chew their bones, hour after hour.  But the creature I wanted to kill more than any other was this beautiful unicorn.

All the little creatures would chatter and wait to feel the incredulous aura of magic that emanates from her horn.  I kept hearing things like,
"In the permeating, all-encompassing luminous light of her love, we cannot die.
Soffi, the Unicorn Queen is at once earthly and divine, simultaneously, she is all things combined.  She drinks from the waters of Crystal Lake with her horn, this magical, mystical, magnificent unicorn."

Now it was the darkest hour before dawn, the hour, they say when only the wise can see that a sense of awe did awaken and mystify me.
Descending from a throne, on a pillar of clouds, in royal splendor, the unicorn Queen, Soffi, I did see and I fell in love with her beauty.  Instantly.  Totally. Inescapably.

Indescribable, immeasurable, unconquerable and impervious to time was this beauty of the Love above all loves, that connected her heart and mine.
Incredulous, she did not stoop to fill her horn with the water from Crystal Lake, as the little creatures had surmised.

Instead, her horn filled the lake with water.  I saw it all with my own disbelieving eyes.
And in the silence of her reflection, of what was and is and forever more will be, I felt the power of the Queen of Enchantment, herself, unchanging, fill me from within, make me new, and Love did consume and conquer me.
"I see the light brighter than the light of the sun.  It emanates from your heart, Golden One.
I see the dawn of a new beginning in your eyes.  I see the lodestar of Love, I see you are wise.
It has been written, a ferocious, brutal king, a lion, finds Peace on Earth through the transforming power of Love and lives in peace with the lamb and the dove.

And becomes known as Philo Philosophorus, the wisest of the wise, for he sees the unseen and speaks the unheard of.
Philo becomes wise, not by the standards of some passing age but by the ageless, lucid beauty of the wise sage.
Timeless, he begins to travel with the light-giving Spirit of every age.

One lion becomes wise and the world attains Peace.  One heart, humble and free.
Interior insight and invincible strength begins the understanding between you and me.
The greatest power is Peace is the revelation of the inner spirit.  So if powers are to reign supreme, let Love be your King and Wisdom be your Queen.

Then will be the dawning of the New World-Wide Renaissance, for manifest in the essence of your being, inside you now is the philosopher's gold.
You discover what you have always been:

The Resplendent One, of prophesies foretold."

Aurora Terrenus (C) 1988

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