Saturday, October 20, 2012

Taoderf:   "Why do you think you had a vision of Sophia?
                   Do you think you would have had it if you hadn't    
                   heard the word Sophia growing up?"

Aurora:  "As I have said, I speak and write Greek and I did
               attend a Greek Orthodox Cathedral with my parents
               when I was growing up.  The priest would come out
               of the vestibule and raise both arms to the heavens
               and announce to the congregation. 
                'Aghia Sophia, orthe kai akousame.' 
                'Holy Sophia, stand and attend.'
               I would ask my mother, 'Who is She?'
               And my mother would say, 'Sophia is Wisdom.  He
               is asking us all to stand and attend 'Wisdom'.

               But at the same time, people all over the planet have
               had and are having visions of Sophia or some sort of
               manifestation of
               Sophia and never really thought about the word.  I
               do know most people do know that philosophy is 'love
               of wisdom' and theosophy is 'divine wisdom'.

               The summer of 1951 when I was nine years old, I
                went to Greece with my family.  The ship stopped in
                Pompeii and I saw the devastation of a volcano and
                then when we got to Greece, I saw the devastation
                of World War II.  It did make quite an impression on
                me.  I saw starving people and bombed buildings.

                If Love is all there is, or if Love is the answer, I
                did wonder how people would come to that realization
                without wisdom.

                When I was in Greece again in 1961, my father's
                 family told me how their house had been occupied
                 by German generals.  My father had purchased the
                 ex-mayor's mansion for his parents and the German
                 generals took it over except for one room that my
                 grand-parents stayed in and were allowed garden
                 visits for one hour a day.

                 Also, when the communists took over, the commanders
                 and troops would gather all of the men in the village,
                 and line them up.  One day they would shoot every
                 other man, the next time, maybe every seventh man,
                 and so on. 

                 There are also the stories of the women of the villages,
                  that would sing and dance off the cliffs to their deaths,
                  not to be raped by the conquerors.  (The beginning
                  of the spiral dance?)

                  When Sophia appeared to me in the New Forest
                   in 1971 something deep in my heart resonated
                   with 'I knew you had to be a beautiful feminine

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