Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wisdom the Divine Spirit - Ajijic, Mexico 2006


                    @2006 Aurora Terrenus

 Bells are symbols of the feminine and the dorje is a symbol of the masculine.

This is the beauty and harmony of masculine and feminine coming together.

Tibetan monks use bells to put them in a meditative state.  Meditation is a Sanskrit word that means direct perception of wisdom.

Bells are also used to call in the angels so if you have been wondering why you are here ~ it is because I have been calling you in.

I am a high priestess in the Holy Order of Wisdom.

I come in peace.  I have no weapons. I honor your soul.

I invite you into Her temple.

On our altar, we have a Peace Candle.  In the daily lighting of this candle we offer this prayer:

O Great Mother of Peace, in the names of your children and the children of your chldren, we light this candle.  In reverence, in honor, in gratitude and in remembrance of you.  O Holy Mother, O Spiritual Mother of the divine spark of light that you reflect and ingnite in our souls, Be here now.  We are called the Peacemakers.  Blessed are our ways.  We are known as the true children of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, your Spiritual children on Earth.  O Holy Mother, gather all of your children and grace us with Peace on Earth now.  Amena.*  Amen is a Hebrew word and means truly.  Amena is an Arabic word and means to make complete.  Because we feel it is the divine feminine that is lacking in the world today, we use Amena at the end of all of our prayers.

It is an honor for me to speak in Ajijic again among so many faces of friends and so many friendly faces.

In the words of Yogi Berra.. "it feels like deja vu all over again."

The topic today is Wisdom: the divine feminine spirit.

Wisdom says of herself:  "I am that I am.  I am deeper than the ocean.  I set my compass on the depths.  I permeate and pervade all things.  I was before the beginning.  Love me and I will give you a garland of grace and a crown of glory."

How did it begin for me?  This love of wisdom?  Thru Wonder.

In 1971, my husband and I and our two small children were in England.

It was a time of turmoil for me and it was like now, a time of war.  I was wondering about the meaning of life and asking, "Is this all there is?"

A vision of light appeared to me.

It was like Light coming in the form of a female divinity.  She said, "I love you.  Love me.  I am Sophia."

It seemed as if this was a very magical and mystical place, so the next day, I asked a farmer if people had visions or saw things in the forest.  And he said, "Seen an angel, huh?  O they can be quite a bother sometimes."

I am of Greek descent.  I read and write and speak Greek.

I knew Sophia as wisdom as philosophy is the love of wisdom, as theosophy is divine wisdom, etc.

After the vision, I started doing research on Sophia.

It seems as if in all holy books and holy traditions there is a magnanimous love of wisdom.  And the one common denominator of all religions is a belief in the immortality of the soul.

Soul, in Greek is psyche and feminine and Wisdom is Sophia and feminine.

The feminine in western spirituality re-emerging in this new age is the hauntingly beautiful splendor and sacred awe of the spirit of Sophia.  The gnosis and wisdom not of some passing age, but an inexhaustible spiritual power impervious to time that connects the Elect of all ages.

From a cloud of Peace, in a mist of silence, she spans the world to create a synthesis, to unite the opposites, to pervade and permeate all hearts with the inner light of love.

Sophia is, will be and has always been the elixir of life, the philosopher's gold, the oneness and essence of the physical world-self, the Quinta Essentia.

There is nothing that I can tell you that you do not already know if you remember in the true sense of the word, give members to, become one with your soul.

The Goddess religions might be called the oldest in the world.. and in some parts of CA goddess is a verb!

The first writer in history or herstory - (from Greek histor) meaning for finding out or learned or wise woman or man..

The first writer whose name and works have been preserved was Enheduanna born ca 2300 BC, a priestess of the moon goddess. (Sumer)

She writes of her image of the goddess Inanna

and the Divine Essences..

"Lady of all the essences, full of light, good woman clothed in radiance whom heaven and earth love.

In the evening you shine, brilliant and lovely.  In the morning you shine, mighty and radiant.

In the heavens you stand like the sun and the moon.  On earth you are known for your greatness and beauty.

To you, I now pray holy priestess of heaven.

To you I now pray, Inanna to you."

(Babylonian song)

The goddess represents an archetype of order, wholeness, deliverance and salvation~ bringing messages of hope and a wholeness in time.

Where there is no conflict between thinking and feeling or reason and emotion.  (Jung)

The soul relates the individual to the world in a meaningful way.. beyond here and now.. to the numinous, the sacred, the mystical.

Einstein said, "The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion."

If we go back to around 500-600 BC, we find seekers of wisdom all over the planet.  This was a time before the internet, when it took months, maybe years for ideas to cross the globe.

The Egyptians had circumnavigated Africa,but still these were not internet days.  It might take a whole year for a monk to write a manuscript.

And yet, in India Buddha was writing "Tripitakia ~ the three baskets of Wisdom."

Zoraster in Persia and the Greek philosophers Pythagoras, Heraclitus among many others in Greece and Jewish prophets in Israel, Egypt and Babylon were also writing about Wisdom.  King Solomon wrote:

"Sophia I loved above all things.  I loved Her above sceptre and throne and at the time, I still did not know Her as the Mother of Life."

In China, Lao-Tsu wrote:

"There was something complete and mysterious existing before heaven and earth.  Silent, invisible, unchanging, standing alone, Unceasing, ever in motion.  Able to be the mother of the world, I do not know its name ~ Call it Tao."  (The Way of the Ultimate)

"Can you still your animal soul, hold to the one, and never leave it?  Can you still your breath, quietly to the softness of a child's breath?  Can you purify your mystic vision and clear it until it is spotless?  Can you love all of your people and rule over the land without being known?  Can you in opening and closing the heavenly gates, play always the female part?"  (Chap. 10. The Mystic Virtue)

One of the seven Chinese Taoist Immortals is a woman who waits for you at the heavenly gates and welcomes you with open arms and with a kiss.

If a dying Sufi master has a vision of a young beautiful girl ~ this is his assurance of Immortality.

One of the most amazing things that came out during this period of time is the axiom of Maria the prophetissa, who was in Egypt.  It is written that all of the art of alchemy is based on the Axiom of Maria.. out of the one...

"One becomes two; two becomes three, and from the ternary comes the four ~ then new unity, or new order as One."  (Jung)

Lao-tzu came up with the same formula in China.

In alchemy, black is the initial germinating stage ~ the dark earth Mother Diana of Ephesus, was depicted with black hands and face, recalling the black openings of caves and grottos.  Black sometimes symbollizes time and white symbollizes timelessness and ecstasy and white, too, traditionally is a feminine color.

Red the color of birth and re-birth, passion, fire and purification and in alchemy red and white is the conjunction of opposites.  Red is also the color of the first chakra and Kundalini rising.. the spiritual feminine.

In Christian art, red stands for charity and love and when the risen Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene, she hurried off to tell the other disciples.  On her way, she met Pontius Pilate and told him of the wondrous news.  "Prove it" Pilate said.  At that moment a woman carrying a basket of eggs passed by and Mary Magdalene took one in her hand.  As she held it up before Pilate, the egg turned a brilliant red.  In Jerusalem, in the Cathedral of Mary Magdalene there is a beautiful statute of her holding a colored egg - a reminder of her ability to perform miracles.  The gnostics also believe that Mary Magdalene is a personification of Divine Wisdom, Sophia.

In alchemy, the three main phases of "The Great Work" - a symbol of spiritual evolution were (1) prime matter (corresponding to black) (2) mercury (white) and (3) sulphur  (red) culminating in the production of the stone (gold) or the state of glory.

So that the series black - white - red - gold, denotes the path of spiritual ascension.

The golden crown of divine love and divine wisdom is the symbol of majestic totality, of unity of wholeness and holiness.

A crown of victory and glory.  The golden crown of divine love and divine wisdom is placed on your head as a symbol of the union of the divine powers within you.

Now I would like to read a short alchemial story - "My Sister the Unicorn"

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